125.633/2–2046: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Smyth) to the Secretary of State

339. Reopening Consulates Manchuria. Chinese Foreign Office has now informed Embassy that it has no objection to American consular officers returning to Dairen and Mukden, but as Chinese are not in control of these places, they cannot guarantee safety. At Mukden, there is an appointed Chinese Govt mayor but he has not taken over administration as Russians are still in control and Russian troops are still there. At Dairen Chinese Govt has no one. (Sent Shanghai as 119, repeated Dept 339.) Embassy desires that Sturgeon proceed to Dairen and Chase to Mukden. It is believed that most feasible present route would be by railroad, and Sturgeon and Chase should, therefore, proceed by air to Tientsin, there to arrange onward transportation by rail. Officers should proceed together to Mukden from where [Page 1135] Sturgeon should proceed to Dairen. Embassy does not think it advisable at this time to have a full staff accompany these officers. They should have one male assistant or secretary. A representative from the CID14 group (in civilian clothes) of General Wedemeyer’s15 headquarters may be desired. If so make such request direct. Embassy should be kept informed of progress by telegraph. Foreign Office informed.

  1. Counter Intelligence Division of the Army.
  2. Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, Commanding General, U. S. Forces, China Theater.