Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
General George C. Marshall 13 to the Secretary of State
212. Reference your desire to reestablish US consulate officers in Dairen, Mukden and Harbin, Manchuria and the Chinese Government reply that in view of present conditions it would not be practicable at this time to give such permission, I informed Foreign Office today that I thought it desirable for US to go ahead and reestablish consulate offices at Dairen and Mukden, unless Chinese objected. I thought that this would either force the Russians into the open if they chose to object or would give us the advantage of lookouts in those localities whose mere presence would embarrass the Russians in taking any raw measures. The Foreign Office replies that the Chinese Government has no objections to US consular officers returning to Dairen and Mukden, but as Chinese are not in control at those places they could not guarantee safety. At Mukden there is a Chinese appointed mayor but he has not yet taken over administration as Russians are still in control and Russian troops present. At Dairen Chinese have nothing.
I am sending our consulate officials to Dairen and Mukden. They may be refused entry or permission to establish their consulates but if so there can no longer continue any doubt on the part of the world as to the Russian intention.
- Special Representative of President Truman in China, with personal rank of Ambassador.↩