893.60 Manchuria/5–246: Telegram
The Consul General at Mukden (Clubb) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 3—8:34 a.m.]
59. ReDeptel 12, April 30, 5 p.m. Re Anshan Steel Works am informed Chinese source states that Soviet removed some 75% to 80% of machinery including power plant equipment, that they however have made no claim to possession administrative rights, that Chinese regained control mid-April with capture Anshan by Government force, that Chinese unable operate at present because shortage machinery and lack power that enterprise will later be operated as state undertaking under National Resources Commission.
Will endeavor proceed Anshan when personnel situation permits. Will enlarge upon reports re Russian seizure Jap industrial enterprises as expeditiously as possible. At present would emphasize desirability judicious handling of figures coming from interested Chinese sources, as above, of losses allegedly sustained through Soviet looting Manchuria. Bad, even disastrous, though that looting was, there will probably frequently be met with Chinese tendency to attribute to that cause losses somewhat in excess actuality with hope of thus obtaining rehabilitation chiefly through American help. Disinterested Chinese source for instance states American bombing destroyed blast furnaces and coking ovens was disregarded by Chinese official making cited statement.
Repeated Nanking as 26.