Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

The Soviet Ambassador in China (Petrov) to General Marshall

My Dear General: In connection with your letter of April 27th, I deem it necessary to inform you of the following proposals of the Soviet military authorities concerning repatriation of the Japanese from Manchuria. The Soviet military authorities propose that repatriation of the Japanese from the Port of Dairen and the area of Port-Arthur naval base should be carried out through Dairen, the order of repatriation being similar to that, proposed by the Soviet representatives in Tokyo in regard to repatriation of the Japanese from Northern Korea.

If this order is accepted, the Soviet military authorities will assume the responsibility for delivering the rapatries to the port of Dairen, sanitation service and their embarkment whereas General MacArthur’s Headquarters will be responsible for their transportation by the ships at their disposal from Dairen to Japan.

Details of repatriation through Dairen could be agreed upon in Tokyo.

As far as the Japanese outside the naval base and Dairen are concerned, the Soviet military authorities are of the opinion that for their repatriation it is advisable to use other near-by ports of Manchuria.

Sincerely yours,

A. A. Petrov