Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Colonel J. Hart Caughey to General Marshall at Kuling

1385. Third and fourth items out of ComGen First MarDivs43 Sitsum44 follow.

“Division ammunition supply point was fired on at 12233045 by unidentified Chinese. Reinforcements were requested. Sporadic firing became heavy. Hostile forces ceased firing when Marines returned the fire. No activity was observed despite illuminating mortars. Unidentified Chinese used an estimated two automatic weapons and attacked under cover of light rain. There were no known Chinese casualties and no Marine casualties.

Coal train 507 with eight Marine guards aboard was derailed at approximately 0400 on 20 August between outpost 1 at Peitang and outpost 2 at Hanku. The apparent cause of the derailment was 1 removed rail and loosened spikes. All Marines were returned to Tangku uninjured by 175 Marine patrol. Marines state there were no Chinese present in the vicinity of the accident and no hostilities whatsoever. Traffic resumed after track repaired.”

Above for information.

J. Hart Caughey
  1. Commanding General, 1st Marine Division.
  2. Situation-summary report.
  3. August 16.