Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to General Marshall

74. A Conference was held this afternoon with the Communist Party Commissioner to consummate arrangements for our Liaison Group in Harbin, as planned in 67.26 General Yeh informed me [Page 630] that he had been requested by General Chou En Lai to obtain our concurrence in sending General Yao from Yenan to Harbin by our next courier plane. (Major General Yao Su Shih was one time Senior Representative CCP Branch, Advance Section Changchun). Yeh stated it is essential to send Yao to Harbin since the CCP authorities in Harbin apparently do not fully appreciate significance of the arrangement whereby Yenan has approved US Liaison Group with radio communication of their own in Harbin. In this regard your group in Harbin, consisting of 6 US personnel, including 2 officers and radio technicians with radio equipment, are presently inoperative by result of radio restriction. Therefore this visit, we hope, will result in augmentation of the group and opening of communications.

  1. Not printed.