Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Minutes of Meeting Between General Marshall and Dr. Stuart48 at Dr. Stuart’s Residence, Nanking, November 6, 1946, 10:30 a.m.

Also present: Col. Caughey49

Doctor Stuart opened the meeting by stating that the Generalissimo50 wanted to see him again at 6 o’clock this evening, and that in his talks with the Generalissimo the previous evening, the Generalissimo had wanted to know what the United States policy toward China is going to be. General Marshall stated that the time has come when the policy toward China might change, but it all depended on what the Generalissimo’s actions were in connection with the cessation of [Page 474] hostilities, convocation of the National Assembly, organization of the State Council, etc.

Doctor Stuart then told General Marshall that his understanding of the Generalissimo’s present attitude is somewhat as follows:

After a discussion with General Marshall and himself tomorrow, the Generalissimo will be willing to issue a cease-fire order;
The Generalissimo desires to convene the National Assembly with or without participation by the Communists and the Third Party Group, but is willing “to leave the doors open” for them to come in.

Doctor Stuart was concerned, if the Generalissimo issues a cease-fire order, whether the Communists would continue to disrupt communications, whether Executive Headquarters would continue to function, and whether the Communists would want the Committee of Three to meet.

General Marshall stated that a meeting of the Committee of Three at this particular time probably would not be fruitful; that the major concern is to get the Generalissimo to issue a cease-fire order, and to capitalize thereon in such a way as to attract the Communists to participate in a reorganized government. In other words, it is up to the Generalissimo to issue a statement that would give the Communists sufficient encouragement for them to continue with negotiations toward a reorganized government. General Marshall then asked Doctor Stuart what form the Generalissimo’s statement should take in this connection.

After the general discussion, General Marshall and Doctor Stuart agreed that the Generalissimo’s statement should announce that he (the Generalissimo) had issued a cease-fire order as of a certain time, and that he intended to convene the National Assembly as scheduled, but was prepared to adjourn the National Assembly immediately after its first meeting in order to permit:

The development of a reasonable plan for the Communists to designate and assemble representatives for the National Assembly;
Completion of the draft constitution by the Constitutional Draft Committee in accordance with the resolutions of the PCC;51
Allotment of 10 seats in the State Council to the Communist Party, thus reducing non-party members to 2;
Reorganization of the Executive Yuan.

General Marshall stated that the first three of the above four points seemed possible of agreement, but that he was confused as to how reorganization of the Executive Yuan might be worked out.

[Page 475]

(At this point Mister Butterworth,52 Mister Ludden, Mister Melby, and Mister Sprouse53 were asked to enter the meeting.)

General Marshall informed the newcomers of his discussion with Doctor Stuart just preceding, and asked for their views. At conclusion of the general discussion, General Marshall asked Mister Butterworth to prepare what he thought might be an appropriate statement for the Generalissimo to issue (attached).54

  1. J. Leighton Stuart, Ambassador in China.
  2. J. Hart Caughey, Executive Officer on General Marshall’s staff.
  3. President Chiang Kai-shek.
  4. Political Consultative Council.
  5. W. Walton Butterworth, Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China.
  6. Raymond P. Ludden, John F. Melby, and Philip D. Sprouse, Second Secretaries of Embassy.
  7. Infra.