Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Notes on Meeting Between General Marshall and Dr. Stuart at No. 5 Ning Hai Road, Nanking, October 5, 1946, 9 p.m.

Also present: Colonel Caughey
Colonel Hutchin

Doctor Stuart said that the Generalissimo had sent for him to come at 8 o’clock this evening for conference. Generalissimo had indicated he was willing to agree to stop advances for a period of five days, possibly even longer if the mediators insisted. The conditions being imposed by the Generalissimo were that the Communists would meet immediately on both committees, the Committee of Three and the informal Five Man Committee, and that Kalgan would be the first issue negotiated. The Generalissimo asked for both Doctor Stuart and General Marshall to see him tomorrow morning, 6 October, at 10:30.

General Marshall thought that the Communists would not agree to any cession of Kalgan. They would immediately challenge the procedure on the basis that the Government was imposing a condition regarding Kalgan which, though they had halted their offensive, would give them the objective—Kalgan without a fight.

General Marshall and Doctor Stuart agreed that they would go see the Generalissimo at 10:30 tomorrow.