Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Colonel Marshall S. Carter to General Marshall25

96471. At a full Cabinet meeting yesterday the China situation was discussed at length. The President believed it desirable that shortly after his return to Washington on Wednesday 7 August 1946, he issue a statement bringing up to date his policy of 15 December 194526 but not deviating therefrom in any basic principles. I hope to be able to furnish you the full text of the statement in time for your review prior to its issuance by the President. The State Department has been directed to draft the statement and has asked me to obtain your preliminary views in the matter. Therefore, I would appreciate knowing the following:

Do you have any objections to a policy statement by the President at this time?
If not, do you have any views which you particularly desire the President to include in his statement?

  1. Forwarded by Colonel Caughey to General Marshall at Kuling in telegram No. 1247, August 4, not printed.
  2. For text, see United States Relation With China, p. 607.