893.00/7–1846: Telegram

The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Butterworth) to the Secretary of State

1157. [To Kunming:] Last night ForMin sent me a message via the Vice Minister that Chinese Government was sending forthwith to Kunming a responsible official to undertake an investigation (re Kunming’s 65, July 1543 and Embtel 1156, July 17) with a view to bringing to justice persons responsible for these criminal actions. Furthermore General Ho, Military Commander, had been instructed by telegraph to take all necessary measures to preserve law and order with a view to affording special protection to persons now staying in Consulate and to get in touch with U. S. Consul and notify him that such measures had been taken and that departure of these persons from Kunming would be facilitated should they wish to leave city. Liu Chieh asked that Consul accordingly advise persons in question to vacate Consulate.

I expressed appreciation for promptness with which action had been taken and fact that Chinese Government felt sufficiently confident of effectiveness of these measures to make such a suggestion [Page 1383] and indicated it would be acted upon. Vice Minister was unable to supply name of investigating official but agreed to do so today.

Please report action taken.

Sent to Kunming 64, repeated to Department 1157.

  1. See telegram No. 1155, July 17, p. 1380.