Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Draft Proposal Prepared by General Marshall78

Termination of Hostilities in Manchuria

On the basis of the orders of June 6, 1946 halting all advances, attacks and pursuits for a period of 15 days commencing at noon of June 7th, which will be continued in effect, we, the Committee of Three, announce the following instructions to govern a complete termination of hostilities in Manchuria:

The terms of 10 January 1946 for the cessation of hostilities will govern except as hereinafter specifically modified.
Commanders of forces in close contact or engaged in actual fighting will immediately direct their troops to cease fighting and will seek to secure a local truce by establishing liaison with the opposing commanders, [Page 1045] pending the arrival of a field team. They should both immediately withdraw their respective troops from close contact.
The readjustment of troops found to be in close contact or actually engaged in fighting will be directed by the field team on the ground by requiring the withdrawal for specified distances, normally 30 li, of one or both forces according to the circumstances. Special consideration will be given to the local situation believed to have existed at noon of June 7, 1946. In the event of disagreement, the decision of the senior American officer in the advance section of Executive Headquarters at Changchun will be accepted.
All movements of National or Communist troops of a tactical nature will cease. Administrative and supply movements as authorized in the original cease fire order of January 10, 1946 may be carried out if previously cleared with a field team.
Within seven days after the issuance of this agreement, lists showing all units together with commanders, strength and locations in Manchuria will be submitted to the advance section of Executive Headquarters in Changchun.
The National Government will move no additional combat units to Manchuria. However, individual replacements are authorized for the purpose of bringing up to approved strength those units authorized in the basic plan for the reorganization and integration dated February 25, 1946 as hereafter amended.
Officers failing to carry out the terms of this agreement will be relieved and disciplined by their respective commanders.

  1. Copies transmitted to Generals Hsu and Chou by Colonel Caughey in his OSE 164, June 13, with the admonition that “this is a first draft and subject to amendment”. Two drafts had previously been prepared by American staff work.