Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Memorandum by General Hsu Yung-chang to General Marshall
No. 7649
[Chungking,] 5 April 1946.
On 3 April, General Tung Yen-ping, Deputy Chief of the Generalissimo’s Northeast Headquarters, had a conversation with Lt. General [Page 734] Telochinko (romanized) of the Soviet Army when the latter made the following statements regarding the dates of withdrawal of the various Soviet units.
- (1)
- General Malinovski’s Headquarters with all its staff officers will leave Chang-chun and proceed to Soviet Russia on 6 April.
- (2)
- Soviet troops in Chang-chun will complete withdrawal by the 14th or 15th of April. City garrison Commander Karlov (romanization) will leave Chang-chun last. Chang-chun city and suburb disease prevention posts and army planes at the airfield will be withdrawn on the 10th of April.
- (3)
- Soviet troops of Harbin will complete withdrawal by 25th April.
- (4)
- Soviet city troops at Chi-lin will complete withdrawal from the 13th to 16th, April.
- (5)
- Soviet troops at Chichihar will complete withdrawal by the 26th or 27th, April.
- (6)
- Soviet troops on Mau-tan-kiang will complete withdrawal by the 28th or 29th, April.
- (7)
- Soviet troops at Pei-an, Chia-mu-szu, Pu-li and other places to the north will complete withdrawal by the 10th of April.
Hsu Yung-chang