Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Lieutenant General Albert C. Wedemeyer to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr.
26361. Cite 306. Admiral Cooke advises he cannot make commitment to accomplish requested lift until completion of study of LST availability resulting from directives Seventh Fleet has just received.
[Page 617]Boca Tigris anchorage approximately 30 miles south of Canton appears to be best POE.71 Staging area is available but Chinese controlled lighterage will be required for loading.
Movement cannot be accomplished without cooperation from General Chang Fa-kuei. If Chang is given very firmly worded directive by Gimo72 believe he will cooperate, at least to point of not obstructing move.
In event Communists are in Tai Peng Peninsula area Navy may consider Tai Po (11410–2226) as POE.
Following information required for joint planning:
- a.
- Are women and/or children included in the strength estimate? If females are with the group will they be moved?
- b.
- Who will provide rations and medical supplies for this group while in the staging area and during the water lift? Estimate at least 3 weeks will be required at staging area to accomplish medical innoculations required if U. S.-manned shipping will be used.
- c.
- Will Chefoo landing be acceptable to CCP73 forces now in control of Chefoo?
- d.
- Approximate present location of subject forces needed here to assist in final selection of POE and estimate of closing date at POE.