Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Colonel J. Hart Caughey to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr.

Received your 359 and showed same to General Chou. Believe there is unfortunate wording therein. At least Chou balked. Message says “He and General Chou had prepared”. Chou is afraid there is some inference in this and that there is actually a reference to a different agreement than the one he meant. There is only one agreement that he is in agreement with and that is the one that he alone prepared, with a second paragraph reading “The teams should be established within the areas of the Government troops as well as the Communist troops, keeping clear of places still under Russian [Page 598] occupation”. Your message did not refer to the “matter of record” clause and he is also afraid of that. In other words Chou will come with me tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock only if he is assured that Chang has in effect agreed to the agreement that he prepared as referred to above and agreed also to the matter of record clause. Please clarify, urgent. Yenan Observer Group radio will stay open beginning at 4 a.m. to get your answer. If we are thinking of the same agreement all is well. If not, there will be some delay because Chou is not now in agreement with the idea that the teams should go in without instructions.