Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to General Marshall
344. Returned to Chungking today 21 March 1946, to find that Generals Chang and Chou had conferred on three occasions during my absence; the last meeting ending shortly after midnight last night. Chou then arranged for air transportation through my Aide and departed early this morning for Yenan to obtain instructions relative to dispatch of Field Teams to Manchuria. He left for me a letter explaining that he was very eager to get Teams into Manchuria and that he regretted “The sore spot had not yet been ironed out on account of the delicacy of the situation”. General Chou attributed the reason for his trip to lack of communications and his difficulty to converse freely with Yenan. He promised to be back in a day or two and ready for a meeting by the weekend. In this same letter General Chou stated that he was sorry the troop lists had not yet been turned in and that he would investigate this matter also while in Yenan.
Shortly after my return I was informed that the Generalissimo-desired to see me. During a very brief conversation, the Madame was present, he evidenced great concern over the fact that the Communists had not yet agreed to the dispatch of Field Teams to Manchuria. He spoke of the dilatory effect on the economic situation because of this present impasse and asked if I were going to arbitrate with the Communists concerning this matter. I carefully explained that I was not in a position to review or discuss economic or political matters and that these matters would have to be handled through existing Chinese political organs when they come up. I then explained that the matter of prime importance at this time was the entrance of teams in order that the military situation could first be brought under control.
The Generalissimo informed me that General Chang Chih-chung probably would not go to Sinkiang until after General Chou had returned.