Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

General Marshall to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr.

80978. Acknowledging your 339, please express my appreciation to the Generalissimo for his message which I have just transmitted to the President and the Secretary of State. You may also tell him that I have been in conference with the President and the Secretary and also with the Import Export Bank head, the Under Secretary of State28 and the Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Clayton, regarding Chinese matters. I am to have an interview Wednesday with the National Advisory Council on international monetary and financial problems and should then be able to clear the way for early negotiations regarding all matters financial and material relating to China.

Personal. If you have not gotten an agreement regarding teams in Manchuria having in view the fact that the Sixth Army has taken over Mukden, I do not think it wise for you to delay your trip to Mukden any longer. It is urgently necessary to get someone on the ground quickly and if there is to be a prolonged bickering over the agreement you had best precipitate the matter by going yourself with Chou En-lai and with or without General Chang. Further delay may be fatal.

  1. Dean Acheson.