Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to General Marshall

328. Problem of getting field teams to Manchuria is running into opposition due to expressed political interests on both sides. General Chou has not yet heard from Yenan and therefore is not anxious [Page 563] to arbitrate one way or the other. In the meantime he has proposed that we three go to Manchuria prior to the dispatch of teams. I have resisted this proposal since I feel that the arrival of the Committee of Three in Manchuria without someone on the ground to make the necessary arrangements and contacts would result in ineffectiveness and loss of dignity. General Chang stands steadfast on the five points which you initially wrote and, due to the fact that these five points in effect express the Generalissimo’s views, he resists any amendment, amplification, or deletion. At a meeting on 13 March I proposed several modifications in order to arrive at a satisfactory solution which would eliminate objections on both sides. My modifications consisted of eliminating controversial points and ending up with a simple set of instructions to the field team which would at least permit the field teams to enter Manchuria. Neither Chou or Chang could accept. The meeting terminated with the understanding that we would again convene on this matter after General Chou had received instructions from Yenan. Byroade is ready with 3 teams for Manchuria with a fourth and main team for Tu Li-ming’s Hdqrs. He will not use marines in Manchuria at least initially.