892.014/11–1546: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Siam (Stanton)18


901. Urtel 1282, Nov 15.19 French Emb officially requested US provide observers attached Mixed Commission disputed areas; stated that similar request being made to London for Brit observers. Prince Wan informed Dept he had informed Siamese FonOff that Brit and Amer observers would be provided only if requested by both French and Siamese and suggested FonOff take prompt action. Prince Wan telegraphing today requesting FonOff extend invitation directly to Brit and Amer Legs Bangkok for observers.

After Siamese invitation received Amer observers designated by Military and Naval Attaches should closely coordinate activities Brit opposites and should withdraw from Mixed Commission when either Siamese or French withdraw.

  1. In telegram 7841, November 21, to London, the Department quoted text of this telegram and requested that the British Foreign Office be informed of its content (892.014/11–2146).
  2. Not printed.