851G.00/8–2846: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)
4513. Urtel 4299, Aug 28.81 Dept gratified Bidault attitude. However, it is perturbed Indochina-Siam border situation. It does not believe complicity Siamese Govt Siem Reap incident although recognizing probability Siamese-held territory used for organization and base raiding parties and strong possibility negligence or complacence some local Siamese officials. It fears French officials Indochina coloring reports and endeavoring compel use force secure restitution territories because belief further delay might be construed within Indochina as sign French weakness and so increase internal disaffection. Brit Emb holds similar view. Dept feels it imperative Paris not lose control Indochina officials and military and not permit their preoccupation local problems precipitate condition which might jeopardize stability Southeast Asia and injure French position Far East and world opinion.
Foregoing for your info and such use as you deem appropriate in conversations Indochina situation.
Sent Paris as 4513. Repeated London as 6365; and for info Bangkok as 722; Saigon as 237.
- Not printed: Mr. Caffery reported that he had been told by the French Foreign Minister that “steps will be taken to prevent any unprovoked acts of violence on the part of the French military in Indochina” and that Mr. Georges-Picot “will assume a moderate attitude and will try hard to make an amicable and acceptable agreement with the Siamese.” The Ambassador also noted that “Bidault is adamant on the question of Siam’s entry into the UN at this juncture.” (851G.00/8–2846)↩