751.92/5–46: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Siam (Yost)
369. Urtel 483 May 4. Inform FonOff Dept feels it undesirable for precedent to be set in UN veto membership application any nation, and that some assurance of acceptance should be sought by informal inquiry of friendly nation in behalf Siam before application for entry made.
For your info, in order secure sound procedure for all applicants US considering proposing resolution in Security Council to effect that all applications for membership received shall be considered by Security Council in Aug and applications received by Secretary General prior Jul 15 shall be referred to committee composed of one representative each member Security Council for examination and report to Council by Aug 1. Security Council will make recommendations on applications to Assembly meeting in Sep.
Although not yet proposed, we have discussed resolution with most members Security Council. Furthermore, permanent rules of procedure on membership applications as proposed by US are now under discussion in committee of experts. US hopes that by Jul 15 a number of applications will be made after the acceptance of resolution and rules on membership. Only present applicant is Albania and US opposed to acceptance Albania at present for political reasons but is attempting avoid opposing Albanian admission on merits of case.
Will notify you promptly if foregoing resolution or alternative procedure accepted.51
- In telegram 442, May 28, 8 p.m., the Department informed Bangkok as follows: “Security Council adopted US membership resolution UN unanimously May 17. Provisional rules procedure adopted.” (751.92/5–446)↩