747.92/4–346: Telegram

The Chargé in Australia (Minter) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

41. This morning afforded first opportunity to act on Deptel 47, April 1 received late last night. I represented Department’s views strongly to External Affairs officials advising of intention to see Evatt34 and even Prime Minister35 to set forth Department’s serious concern. Later they sent for me and advised informally as follows:

Officer36 had telegraphed that he was signing at 11 a.m. today Bangkok time thus making it too late for fresh instruction to be sent him.
It was never their intention that the clause should be interpreted as infringing Siamese independence and sovereignty but that their only intention was to insure that they would be put on notice if Siam were about to enter, into a commodity agreement so that Australia could request inclusion if it chose to do so.
The Siamese were refusing to sign the agreement with the reference clause unless Australia were prepared to exchange notes containing Siam’s understanding of the limiting implications. They advised me that Officer closed the door to objections to his signing such exchange of notes by advising that on his own responsibility he was going to sign such documents simultaneously with the signing of the agreement.
These officials expressed the view that the completed instrument and ancillary would not adversely affect American interests and indeed that Siam would not be signing if it were not satisfied of retention of independence and sovereignty.

I shall ascertain tonight or tomorrow if signing actually took place and try to secure exact language of reference portions.

  1. Herbert V. Evatt, Australian Minister for External Affairs.
  2. Joseph B. Chifley.
  3. Frank Keith Officer, Australian Minister who signed the peace agreement between Siam and Australia at Bangkok, April 3, 1946.