896.51/8–2446: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Philippines (McNutt) to the Secretary of State

233. For State and Treasury: 1. President Roxas has appointed Marciano Guevara, Treasurer of the Philippine Islands, to be Chief Foreign Funds Control Office, which will be opened September 1 assuming within jurisdiction of Philippine Islands foreign funds control, functions heretofore exercised by Philippine Islands Office Foreign Funds Control US Treasury Dept which I desire to close August 31. Urgent that Treasury prepare and obtain President’s approval on or before August 31 of an Executive Order amending 9747 of July 3 in such manner as to withdraw authority delegated Secretary of Treasury in Philippine Islands without in any way disturbing authority delegated therein to Alien Property Custodian.

2. I am informed Philippine Islands Govt will request: (a) All necessary arrangements to carry out transfer of responsibility for administration foreign funds control be made or authorized; (b) transfer all records essential to carrying out the functions; and (c) designation US Treasury representatives Eames and Lancione and such other technical men as may be available to serve as advisers to Philippine Islands Govt for indefinite period probably not exceeding 3 months.

3. Unless information to contrary received, I shall reply in following sense: (a) Necessary arrangements to close US Treasury’s Foreign Funds control on August 31 will be made; (b) copies of all licenses issued by Treasury office will be transferred. Confidential files concerning watch listed nationals will be retained in Embassy but will be available to Philippine Islands Govt on specific request; (c) that it is considered inappropriate to designate Eames and Lancione to serve as advisers to Philippine Islands Govt but that they will be available at Embassy for conferences with Guevara and staff on technical matters only.

This is Treasury cable No. 229.
