811B.20 Mission/7–246

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States High Commissioner in the Philippines (McNutt)

My Dear Mr. McNutt: There is enclosed a copy of the draft agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines concerning the rendering of military assistance to the Philippines.57 This draft agreement has been prepared by this Department in collaboration with the War and Navy Departments.

It is requested that you present this draft agreement to President Roxas for his consideration and as the basis for negotiations between the Philippine authorities and this Government. It is further requested that you assume charge of the negotiations on behalf of this Government. Negotiations in connection with the draft agreement should, of course, be on an ad referendum basis.

In connection with Article XVI (Jurisdiction) of the draft agreement, if you find that this article is unacceptable to the Philippine representatives after reasonable discussion and explanation, you are requested to so inform the Department, at the same time indicating if possible the nature of an alternative provision that you feel should then be proposed by this Government.

Also in connection with Article XVI on jurisdiction you will recall that a copy of the Agreement between the United States and Great Britain concerning Leased Naval and Air Bases signed March 27, 1941 (U.S. Executive Agreement Series no. 235) was sent to you with my letter of June 14.58 It is possible that you may wish to refer to that agreement in connection with your negotiations with the Philippine authorities.

You will further recall that President Roxas has sent to the United States a group of three experts who are to discuss with the appropriate authorities here questions relating to supplies and other technical details connected with the agreement.

Sincerely yours,

Dean Acheson
  1. Draft not printed.
  2. See footnote 42, p. 885.