711.11B/6–2646: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States High Commissioner in the Philippines (McNutt)
Washington, June 26, 1946.
1155. For High Commissioner. Dept is sending you by hand of Weldon Jones49 duplicate texts ready for signing on July 4 of Treaty of General Relations between US and the Republic of the Philippines.50 [Page 892] Jones also bringing copy of President’s proclamation on July 4 recognizing and proclaiming independence Philippines. Congressional delegation, with which Jones is travelling, expects reach Manila July 2.
- Budget Bureau; member of Philippine Celebration Commission.↩
- In telegram 1163, June 27, to Manila, the Department informed Mr. McNutt of the President’s signature of full power “to conclude and sign on or about July 4, 1946 a treaty of general relations, with an accompanying protocol, and related agreements” with the Philippines (711.11B/6–2746).↩