811B.51/6–1046: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Manila (Steintorf)


991. For Hoflich36 from Treasury. Inform Roxas that Vinson37 agrees you should assist in drafting legislation and establishing controls.38 Important it be clearly understood such assistance to be purely advisory with Philippine Govt assuming full responsibility for action beyond July 4th. This assistance will be continued beyond Independence [Page 883] if Philippine Govt so desires, even though this would require more Treasury personnel than otherwise beyond July 4. Treasury personnel in Manila after Independence would have same status as other Treasury representatives abroad and in addition to advising Philippine Commonwealth authorities would perform regular Treasury functions. Advise whether Philippine Govt desires such assistance beyond Independence. This is Cable P.I. 97.

  1. Harold J. Hoflich, Treasury representative in the Philippines.
  2. Fred M. Vinson, Secretary of the Treasury.
  3. President Roxas had made certain requests on June 1 regarding foreign funds control, war profits tax, currency, and other financial matters, reported in telegram 900, June 3, 5 p.m., from Manila (811B.51/6–346).