856D.01/6–2646: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Batavia (Foote)
221. SSU representative Singapore reports that Hashmy Tahir (Singapore Rep Malay Nationalist Party and Chairman of General Labor Union Branch of Indo Labor Party in Singapore) has indicated that you may shortly be approached by Reps of Sjarifoedin90 to inquire whether official mission composed of members Sjahrir’s cabinet seeking US assistance for cause of Indo independence would be welcomed in Wash. In such event you should receive visitors in friendly and sympathetic manner and while avoiding critical discussion Dutch-Indo dispute or appearance of inhospitality on part of US Govt, tactfully discourage any plans for visit to US at this time, pointing out that members of any Indo delegation could not, of course, be received in US as official Reps of “Indo Republic”.
You should also say that through your contacts with Sjahrir and other Indo leaders as well as with Brit and Dutch officials, you have been closely in touch with situation as it developed and have kept your Govt fully informed. You may add that you and members of your staff welcome an expansion of contacts with Indo leaders and will be glad to report to Wash, without, of course, commitment as to US Govt’s course of action, any views Indo leaders may wish to present.
If you are unable to deflect your visitors from pressing forward with request for reception in Wash of Indo delegation, you should say that request will be transmitted to Dept. In this eventuality, please report fully proposed membership of mission and political affiliations, nature of travel documents held by mission, your opinion whether refusal to authorize visit might weaken position of Sjahrir and strengthen that of more radical elements, and your opinion as to effect upon current Dutch-Indo negotiations of presence of Indo Reps in US even in an unofficial capacity.
- Indonesian Socialist Party member and Minister of Defuse.↩