856E.00/3–1546: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Hornbeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:05 p.m.]
259. Dr. van Mook reports initial meeting with Sahrir encouraging, that Indonesian counter proposals are moderate and open up favorable prospects for satisfactory negotiations.58 Foreign Office official of opinion resumption of negotiations does not preclude further outbreaks of serious fighting by armed extremist elements over which “republican” authorities appear to have little control. He cited recent attack on British convoy in interior of Java as example and, mentioned possibility other serious clashes may be timed with meeting of Security Council.
- The text of the Indonesian counter-proposals, handed to the Netherlands delegation and to Sir Archibald Clark Kerr on March 14, was transmitted to the Department by Mr. Foote in his despatch 18, March 22. It was also sent in two telegrams, March 22 and 23, from Batavia. In telegram 100, March 17, 11 p.m., from Batavia, Mr. Foote reported that the two stumbling blocks were the name “Republic of Indonesia” and the withdrawal of Netherlands troops immediately after signature of an agreement (856E.00/3–1746).↩