740.00119 Control (Korea)/11–146: Telegram

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur to the War Department67

top secret

CX 66853. Reur Warx 84240 of 30 October. Our C–66691 was intended merely for information and not for action. In accordance with your request the following comments are made serially on General Hodge’s recommendations:

This Hq has taken measures to adjust assignment of November replacements arriving in theater so that approximately 100% T/O strength enlisted men should be in Korea 30 November 1946. Officer strength cannot be augmented in Korea owing to non-availability in theater for transfer.
No resources are available to this Hq for supplying food in addition to that already furnished and planned to be furnished to Korea.
This suggestion is believed to be unfeasible.
I concur.

  1. Copy transmitted by the War Department to the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Vincent).