
Memorandum by the State Department Member of the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee (Hilldring) to the Committee

Subject: Release of Statement of Policy Regarding Basic Principles for a New Japanese Constitution, approved by Far Eastern Commission on July 2, 1946.

In reference to the statement of policy (FEC–031/19) regarding Basic Principles for a New Japanese Constitution unanimously approved at the eighteenth meeting of the Far Eastern Commission on July 2, 1946,37 the Secretary General of the Far Eastern Commission has requested that the Supreme Commander be informed that in adopting this statement of policy, the Far Eastern Commission agreed that it would be released to the press, but expressed a desire that the Supreme Commander decide whether he would prefer to release the [Page 266] statement of policy himself in Tokyo or have it released by the Far Eastern Commission in Washington.

The Secretary General stated that it would be appreciated if the Supreme Commander’s decision could be made known to the Commission as soon as practicable. It is requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff transmit the enclosed communication38 to General MacArthur.

J. H. Hilldring
  1. For directive sent as serial 54, July 6, to General MacArthur, see Political Reorientation of Japan, p. 661.
  2. Not printed.