740.00119 FEAC/1–1746: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan)


104. Dept is repeating text letter quoted urtel 150 Jan 17 to London and Chungking with following instructions:

“Convey substance above to FonOff, adding that this Govt desires cooperate in expediting full functioning of Commission and that it is willing to follow any reasonable procedure agreeable to its Allies.”

On Dec 28 Dept telegraphically instructed Paris, The Hague, Canberra, Ottawa, Wellington and New Delhi50 “acting in name of this Govt and on behalf of Govts of US, USSR, UK and China, address a communication to Govt to which you are accredited making appropriate reference to previous correspondence and inviting that Govt to participate in Far Eastern Commission on basis of following terms of reference:” (followed by complete text of terms of reference as given in Moscow communiqué). Similar invitation also communicated to Philippine Govt.

French reply (Paris tel 63, Jan 4) already repeated to you. Unconditional acceptances have been received from Govts of Indian and Canada. No formal replies yet received from Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand or Philippines.

Inform FonOff in your discretion.51

  1. See telegram 131, December 28, 1945, to Canberra, Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. vi, p. 894.
  2. In telegram 214, January 24, 1946, 2 p.m., from Moscow, Mr. Kennan advised against informing the Soviet Foreign Office but suggested that any definite proposal on transformation of the Far Eastern Commission be communicated through Mr. Gromyko in Washington (740.00119 FEAC/1–2446).