740.00119 FEAC/1–1746: Telegram
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 17—9:23 a.m.]
150. Lozovski replied on January 15 to my letter of January 11 communicating substance of Depcirtel January 7 as follows:
“Soviet Govt considers that it is time to proceed to realization of decision of Moscow Conference of three Foreign Ministers on establishment of Far Eastern Commission and, for its part, also believes it expedient in interests of matter at hand to keep to minimum procedural details connected with this.
“At same time Soviet Government believes it necessary to draw to attention of Government of US that in decision of conference of three Ministers it is stated Far Eastern Commission being formed will replace Far Eastern Advisory Commission and that Government of US on behalf of Four Powers should present terms of reference to other governments specified in Article I and invite them to participate in the Commission on the revised basis. Thus it does not follow from decision of conference of three Ministers that Far Eastern Advisory Commission with its former committees, rules, etc., will be automatically transformed into Far Eastern Commission.
“Soviet Govt assumes that as soon as members of Far Eastern Advisory Commission return from Japan to Washington, Govt of USA will take measures to convene an organizational session of Far Eastern Commission so that latter may without delay begin to function on basis of decision of conference of three Ministers of Foreign Affairs.”