740.00119 FEAC/1–146: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State


3. Embassy has today received third person note from Foreign Office dated December 31 stating that Soviet of People’s Commissars of USSR has appointed Gromyko2 Soviet representative on Far Eastern Commission and N. V. Novikov3 as his deputy. K. N. Derev-yanko,4 note continues, has been similarly appointed member of the Allied Council for Japan, with Y. A. Malik5 as his political advisor and L. A. Razin as his economic advisor. I am requested to bring this to attention of my Government.

Note adds in conclusion that Govts of UK and China are being similarly informed.

  1. Andrey Andreyevich Gromyko, Soviet Ambassador in the United States.
  2. Nikolay Vasilyevich Novikov, Soviet Counselor of Embassy in the United States.
  3. Lt. Gen. Kuzma Nikolayevich Derevyanko, Soviet representative to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Japan (General of the Army Douglas MacArthur).
  4. Yakov Alexandrovich Malik, former Soviet Ambassador in Japan.