
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Allen)

Dr. Daftary10 said that while the Iranian Ambassador was proceeding on the assumption that Prime Minister Qavam will remain entirely steadfast in prosecuting the Iranian case before the Security Council, he wished to know whether the United States would be willing to initiate an inquiry in the Council in case Qavam for any reason [Page 350] felt unable to instruct his own representatives to do so. Dr. Daftary recalled that at the last meeting of the Council, a resolution was passed requesting USSR and Iran to report back to the Council the result of their further negotiations. The Iranian Ambassador is anxious that some one at the next meeting of the Council should call for this report. Since Iran is not a member of the Council, it might be difficult for Iran either to report or to call for a report, even assuming that Qavam remains anxious to press the case.

I assured Dr. Daftary that his request would be given due consideration in the Department.

  1. A. A. Daftary, Counselor of the Iranian Embassy.