740.00119 Council/8–2846: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State


4300. Delsec 867. From the Secretary for Clayton.38 In the light of recent developments I want you to do everything that we properly can to stop further shipments of supplies of any sort by UNRRA for Yugoslavia. I think you will realize the implications of an organization to which the United States contributes 73% continuing to supply a government guilty of such outrageous and unfriendly conduct as Yugoslavia.39

  1. William L. Clayton, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
  2. Telegram 4329, Delsec 872, August 29, from Paris, reported that Secretary Byrnes had requested that the War Department be asked to halt the transfer of any ammunition whatsoever to the Yugoslavs (740.00119 Council/8–2946).