List of abbreviations, symbols, and code names
Editor’s Note:—This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- AACS, Airways and Air Communications Service
- ABC, American Broadcasting Company
- ACC, Allied Control Commission
- AFHQ, Allied Force Headquarters
- AK, Armija Krajowa; Anti-German underground resistance in Poland during World War II
- Alcom-Italy, Allied Commission for Italy
- AMG, Allied Military Government
- AmRep, American representative
- AMVAT, American Mission at the Vatican
- AP, Associated Press
- ATC, Air Transport Command
- AVNOJ, Anti-Fascist Assembly of National Liberation of Yugoslavia (Antifasisticko vijeće narodnog, oslobodjenja Jugoslavije); legislative body of Yugoslav liberation movement, 1943–1945
- BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation
- BMM, British Military Mission
- CAA, Civil Aviation Administration
- CAB, Civil Aeronautics Board
- CBS, Columbia Broadcasting System
- CCS, Combined Chiefs of Staff
- CINCMED, Commander in Chief, Mediterranean Theater
- Cm–In, military telegram indicator; classified message—incoming
- COMC, Department of Commerce
- COS, Chief of Staff
- CP, Division of Commercial Policy, Department of State
- Crossroads, code name referring to atomic bomb tests made at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands group
- Delsec, indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers, or the Paris Peace Conference, at times headed by the Secretary of State
- Dept, Department (usually the Department of State)
- Deptel, Department’s telegram
- EAI, Division of Europe, Near East and Africa Intelligence, Department of State, from January to May 1946
- EATS, European Air Transport Service
- EE, Division of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State
- Emb, Embassy
- Embtel, Embassy’s telegram
- ES, Division of Economic Security Controls, Department of State
- ESC, Central Secretariat of the Secretary of State’s Staff Committee
- EUR, Office of European Affairs, Department of State
- Ex-Im, Export-Import Bank of Washington
- Eximbank, Export-Import Bank of Washington
- Fan, Communications indicator for messages from the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater
- FE, Office of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- FN, Division of Financial Affairs, Department of State
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- FPRY, Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia
- FX, Military communications indicator
- G–3, Operations and training section of the general staff of a large unit
- G–4, Supply and evacuation section of the general staff of a large unit
- Glavlit, Main Administration for Literature and Publishing, an organization of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
- GNA, Rumanian Grand National Assembly
- Gov, Government
- GSC, General Staff Corps
- Info, Information
- IR, Internal Resources Division, Department of State
- ITO, International Trade Organization
- ITP, Office of International Trade Policy, Department of State
- Komsomol, All Union Leninist Communist Union of Youth
- KRN, National Council of the Homeland (Krajowa Rada Narodowa); Legislative body of the Polish state, July 1944–February 1946
- MA, Military Attaché
- MAORT, Magyar Amerikai Olajipari Reszvenytarsasag, an Hungarian oil company, a subsidiary of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey
- MFN, most-favored-nation
- MJPS, Mediterranean Joint Plans Staff
- MTOUSA, Mediterranean Theater of Operation, United States Army
- NAC, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
- Naf, communications indicator for messages from the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, to the Combined Chiefs of Staff
- N. Am., North America
- Nav, Naval
- NBC, National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
- NDF, National Democratic Front (in Rumania)
- Niact, communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NKVD, People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union, which controlled the Soviet Security Police; the redesignations of commissariats as ministries in March 1946 changed NKVD to MVD, Ministry of Internal Affairs
- NSZ, National Armed Forces (Narodowe Sily Zbrojne); an underground resistance organization in Poland
- OCD, military communications indicator
- OFAR, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, Department of Agriculture
- OFLC, Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Department of State
- OIT, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce
- OPD, Operations Division, War Department
- Orgburo, the Organizational Bureau of the Central Committee of the All Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks)
- ourtel, our telegram
- OZNA, Yugoslav Department of National Security (Odeljenje za zastitu naroda)
- PAA, Pan American Airways
- PCG, Julian Communist Party
- Polad, Political Adviser on the Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater
- Politburo, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the All Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks)
- PPR, Polish Workers’ Party (Polska Partja Robotnicza)
- PPS, Polish Socialist Party (Polska Partja Socjialistyczna)
- PSL, Polish Peasant Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe)
- RA, Office of Requirements and Allocations, Production and Marketing Administration, Department of Agriculture
- RAF, Royal Air Force (United Kingdom)
- RCT, Reinforced Combat Team
- R.D. and R. Division, OMGUS, Reparation, Deliveries, and Restitution Division, Office of Military Government of the United States for Germany
- reDeptel, Regarding the Department of State’s telegram
- Reps, Representatives
- reurtel, Regarding your telegram
- SAC, Supreme Allied Commander
- SE, Division of Southern European Affairs, Department of State
- Secdel, indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers, or the Paris Peace Conference, at times headed by the Secretary of State
- SL, Peasant Party (Stronnictwo Ludowe) in Poland
- Sov, Soviet
- SovGov, Soviet Government
- Soyuzpechat, State Agency (Central Organization) for Distribution of Magazines and Newspapers throughout the Soviet Union
- SP, Labor Party (Stronnictwo Pracy), in Poland
- SPA, Office of Special Political Affairs, Department of State
- SWNCC, State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee
- TANJUG, Telegraph Agency of Yugoslavia
- Tass, Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union, official communication agency of the Soviet Government
- TT, Military communications indicator
- TWA, Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc.
- UAIS, Italo-Slovene Antifascist Union (Unione Anti-Fascist a Italo-Slava)
- UB, Polish Security Police (Urzad Bezpieczenstwa)
- UE, Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Department of State
- UNO, United Nations Organization
- UNRRA, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- urtel, your telegram
- USFA, United States Forces in Austria
- USFET, United States Forces, European Theater
- VG, Venezia Giulia
- V–J Day, the day of Japanese capitulation
- Vlad, Vladivostok
- WARCOS, War Department, Chief of Staff
- WAROFF, British War Office
- WD, War Department
- WSA, War Shipping Administration