860H.00/7–1246: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Yugoslavia (Shantz)
474. Urtel 673 12th. Dept considering general reply FonOff note July 4 concerning aviation and will instruct you appropriately as soon as possible. In meantime view urgency matter as result refusal Yugos permit flight reported MA’s tel 713 July 1698 and anticipated similar reaction request contemplated Deptel 45799 feel you should make further urgent representations separately in regard to operation Emb aircraft. Unless you perceive objection inform FonOff that while maintenance Emb airplane is as indicated your note June 4 part of general aviation problem which this Govt is most anxious on its side to settle expeditiously to mutual satisfaction Yugos and US it nevertheless is in certain respects different from question regular civil air service inasmuch as it directly involves ability US Emb to maintain free and unrestricted communication with its Govt and with other places where performance of its functions necessitate, a privilege obviously essential to proper conduct of satisfactory diplomatic relations between the two States.
(You may set forth as example if you consider desirable that Amb Patterson hopes use Emb aircraft in proceeding UK to Yugo and he also plans several trips to Austria, Germany and Italy to attend to problems joint Yugo US interest but that if he cannot use Emb plane his plans must be revised or cancelled.)
[Page 912]State that as regards general aviation matters reply to FonOff note July 4 will be forthcoming without delay but you hope Yugos will in interests of furtherance cordial relations between Emb and Yugos Govt be disposed to accede to our desire continue operation Emb aircraft regardless future determination broader problem. You may reiterate importance we attach to this matter as set forth Deptel 342 June 11 and in referring again to fact that such aircraft are maintained by us at number diplomatic missions abroad you may assure Yugos courtesy requested this instance is one which we would have no hesitancy in extending on reciprocal basis to Yugos Emb in US should it be so desired.
It is understood that, following representations Amb Patterson, Amb Kosanovic has telegraphed Belgrade urging favorable consideration in matter this airplane.
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed; it reported that Ambassador Patterson and his family planned to sail for Europe on July 28 and would appreciate arrangements being made for Embassy plane to meet him at Southampton for the flight to Belgrade (123-Patterson, Richard C).↩
- Same as telegram 4412, June 1, to London, p. 895.↩