The Yugoslav Chargé (Mahiedo) to the Secretary of State
Pov. Br. 407
The Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia presents his compliments to the Honorable the Secretary of State and has the honor to inform that the Government of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, after having studied all the questions concerning the recognition of Yugoslavia’s international obligations in conformity with the decisions of the Second Session of the Ariti-Fascisf Council of National Liberation in Jajce in November, 1943, which were mentioned in the note of March 2, 1946, Br. 2286,39 sent by the Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Ambassador of the United States in Belgrade, hereby gives an affirmative answer to the note of the Department of State of December 22, 1945, concerning the international obligations of the former Yugoslav Governments.
With this it is understood that the Government of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia withdraws its note of March 2, 1946.