740.00119 EW/4–1846

The Yugoslav Prime Minister (Tito) to President Truman5


Excellency: I take this opportunity to send you in my name, as well as in the name of the peoples of Jugoslavia, cordial greetings and wishes. It is my desire to assure you of the great sympathies and gratitude of the peoples of Jugoslavia towards your country, not only for its great contribution to the victory of the United Nations over the common enemy, but also for the daily help it is giving in order to heal the wounds inflicted upon us by the war.

[Page 869]

It is my sincerest wish, and it is at the same time the wish of our peoples, that the relations between our two countries should be the best possible. It is my intention that the fullest economic and cultural relations should be established between the United States and Jugoslavia.

Excellency! You know how much our country suffered from various occupiers, and you are also acquainted with its contribution to the victory over the common enemy. Therefore, I am expressing here not only my own hope, but also the hope of all our peoples, that you will give us your support when our justified claims, affecting our country, that is in the first place the question of the Julian March etc., come up for decision.

I am convinced that there is nothing between our two countries to hamper our most friendly collaboration.

With kindest regards

[File copy not signed]
Prime Minister of the Federative Peoples Republic of Jugoslavia
Minister of National Defence Marshal of Jugoslavia
  1. Copy of translation sent to the Department “for attention and appropriate action” under cover of a memorandum of April 18, 1946, from William D. Hassett, Secretary to the President, not printed.