
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Acheson) to the Deputy Director of the Office of European Affairs (Hickerson)

Mr. Hickerson: I discussed the matter of reviving the project to sell surplus property to the Soviet Union as set forth in your memorandum,36 with special reference to the need for using some of the proceeds for the betterment of our Embassy staff facilities in Moscow. After going over the matter thoroughly, the Secretary instructed me that he did not wish to raise the matter at this time.

I have given this information to Mr. McCabe. For your information, Mr. McCabe says that this conclusion accords with the necessities of the case in that (a) the Soviet Union has not accepted the terms of the credit; (b) it does not wish to acquire any of the property presently declared surplus in Europe; (c) it wishes us to declare additional property surplus; and (d) it wishes to inspect surplus property in the Pacific.

D[ean] A[cheson]
  1. No copy of a memorandum by Mr. Hickerson found in Department files.