861.415/11–246: Telegram
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 2—12:25 p.m.]
4055. All Soviet newspapers November 2 devote full front-page spread to Communist Central Committee slogans on occasion 29th Anniversary October Revolution.
[Page 800]Content of slogan differs on number of points from those published on last anniversary.62 Last year’s greetings to “Allies of Soviet People” are supplanted by new greetings (Nos. 2 and 3) to “Freedom-Loving Peoples in Struggle for Firm and Last[ing?] Peace” and to “Liberated Peoples Building National Life on Democratic Principles”, and by “Brotherly Greetings” (No. 4) to “Inviolate Friendship of Slavic Peoples”. Further innovation is appeal (No. 5) to “Toilers of all countries” and to “expose and suppress instigators of new war sowing hostility among peoples”. Of marked interest this year is substitution in final slogan of exhortation to move forward “to complete victory of Communism in our country” for last year’s theme of “further successes of Socialist construction”.
Emphasis is placed as usual on slogans praising Soviet Armed Forces who are called on to “constantly improve their military and political knowledge” and to “familiarize themselves with experience of great patriotic war”. Bulk of remaining slogans appeal characteristically to workers in all categories to achieve greater production in meeting 5–year plan and problems of reconstruction.
- For comparison of the new slogans with those for the XXVIII anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution of October 25/November 7, 1917, see airgram A–316, November 1, 1945, from Moscow, Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. v, p. 913.↩