C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: Records of Decision

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Second Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, April 26, 1946, 4:30 p.m.

C.F.M. (46) 2nd Meeting, 26 April, 1946.


Mr. Bevin (Chairman)
Mr. H.M.G. Jebb
Mr. Duff Cooper
Sir Maurice Peterson
Mr. O.C. Harvey
France U.S.S.R.
M. G. Bidault M. Molotov
M. Couve de Murville M. Vyshinsky
Gén. Catroux M. Dekanozov
M. H. Alphand M. F. Gousev
M. Fouques Duparc M. Bogomolov
M. Novikov
Mr. Byrnes
Mr. Connally
Mr. Vandenberg
Hon. J. C. Dunn
Mr. Cohen
Adm. Hewitt
Gen. Lincoln
Mr. Matthews
Mr. Bohlen
[Page 122]

I. Treaty With Italy.—

M. Couve de Murville submitted the Report of the Deputies (C.F.M. (46) 4),30 which was accepted by the Council.

2. Preamble of the Treaty With Italy.—

The Council decided to adopt the Preamble submitted by the Deputies (C.F.M. (46) 80 Revised)31 including all the passages shown in the Deputies report in square brackets.

M. Molotov made a reservation that similar provisions should be included in the treaties with Roumania and Bulgaria.

3. Reparations.—

The Council decided to refer to a Committee of Experts the proposals contained in the Soviet and U.S.A. Memoranda as well as any proposals which might be made in this connexion by the U.K. and French Delegations. The Committee of Experts was instructed to report to the Council as soon as possible.

The following experts were appointed:

For the Soviet Delegation: M. Dekanosov

For the U.S.A. Delegation: M. Reinstein

For the French Delegation: M. Alphand

For the U.K. Delegation: not yet appointed.

4. Next Meetings.—

The Deputies to meet on 27th April at 11 a.m. to decide which of the questions concerning the Treaty with Italy should be dealt with [by] the Council at its afternoon session. The latter to be held at 4 p.m. No meeting on Sunday.

5. Agenda.—

M. Bidault reminded the Council that the Agenda had not been fixed and emphasized the desirability of achieving the earliest possible agreement on this point.

  1. Not printed; the substance of the Report appears in the United States Delegation Record of this meeting, supra.
  2. Not printed. Regarding the phrases in this document appearing in brackets, see footnote 25, p. 113.