C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2079: CFM Documents

Protocol of the Council of Foreign Ministers on the Designation of the Governor of the Free Territory of Trieste4


The representatives of the United States of America, France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, assembled on December 12, 1946 at New York as the Council of Foreign Ministers, have agreed that their Governments will take all possible steps to secure the designation of the Governor of the Free Territory of Trieste at the earliest possible date under the conditions laid down in the draft Permanent Statute so [Page 1559] as to ensure his appointment by the Security Council simultaneously with the entry into force of the Peace Treaty.

Copies of this protocol are also included in the files of the Department of State under 740.00119 Council/12–1246.

Done at New York, the twelfth day of December, 1946.

James F. Byrnes

Secretary of State of the United States of America
M. Couve de Murville

Representative of France
Ernest Bevin

Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
V. M. Molotov

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  1. This protocol, which was circulated to the Council of Foreign Ministers as document CFM(46) (NY)77, December 12, 1946, was signed by the Foreign Ministers at the 23rd Meeting of the Council, December 12, 1946. Four copies of the protocol were signed, two in English, one in French, and one in Russian.