C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2099: Communications
The Secretary of State to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Bevin)
Dear Ernie: I refer to your letter of September 30, 1946,52 and to our subsequent conversation regarding the status of Italian cables. My principal concern, as I have mentioned before, has been that the treaty should not interfere with Italian ownership of the cables. I believe that we are in agreement on this point.
It would appear to me that the location of the terminals of the cables will be a matter to be decided by Italy. The United States is interested in the cable through Horta because this channel has ordinarily served as the principal means of cable communication between the United States and Italy, but we have not proposed that the cable between the Azores and Italy be operated through or to any particular point.
As I believe my letter of September 25, 1946,53 made clear, I questioned whether the return of the cable to Italy should be conditioned upon the retention of Gibraltar as a relay point. I think it should not.
I agree with the suggestion in your letter of September 30 that the matter should be dealt with entirely from a business viewpoint.
Sincerely yours,