740.00119 EW/10–2346: Telegram
The Minister in Hungary (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 24—7:40 a.m.]
2001. During my first call on FonMin13 today following his return from Paris (mytel 1971, October 18)14 Gyongyosi expressed deep appreciation of Hungarian Govt and Hungarian Delegation at Paris for support and understanding consistently received from US Govt and Delegation. Gyongyosi said our helpful attitude would “never be forgotten” in Hungary. He had not realized he said until he reached Paris how extreme unfavorable opinion towards Hungary was particularly among delegations from more remote countries not well informed about changes which had taken place in Hungarian life since the war. Gyongyosi said Hungarians were well aware of controlling importance of American policy at Paris in preventing even harsher and more onerous judgments on Hungary than those embodied in present version of treaty.
I urged Gyongyosi to do his best to expedite and bring to successful conclusion bilateral negotiations with Czechoslovakia for settlement of minority question in interest of proving sincere Hungarian desire to reach fair and lasting settlement. Gyongyosi said he intended to institute negotiations immediately upon return of Czechoslovak Delegation from UN Assembly meeting in December by which time he was also hopeful that high feeling among Slovaks will have abated somewhat and facilitate settlement. It is his impression that essence of Czechoslovak purpose in minority issue with Hungary is to secure complete elimination of Hungarians from Csallokoz and adjacent Danubian area. He thought basis of negotiations would probably be proposals made under auspices of Canadian Delegation at Paris.
I mentioned to Gyongyosi my impression that there had been some acceptance in Hungary of anti-American Communist propaganda on economic clauses of the treaty which had not been wholly countered by circulation of American statements re reparations and related questions. Gyongyosi said it was his intention to make private statements re course of Paris Conference to separate meetings of the various Parliamentary party groups beginning with his own party to whom he would make a statement tomorrow. In these statements he would seek to correct any false impressions of an anti-American character with reference to what happened at Paris. He did not intend at present to make a statement in National Assembly which [Page 951] might precipitate general debate for reason that he believed time not opportune while treaties are still under consideration by CFM.
In reply to my request for his impression at Paris as to signs or willingness on part of USSR to meet rest of the world on common ground Gyongyosi said he was inclined to think Paris Conference had been another step in enlarging Soviet understanding of conditions and thinking outside USSR. Nevertheless his mind remained undecided whether in its own interest Soviet regime could afford to permit free contact with outside thought for Soviet people and he believes Soviet official standpoint remains immutably based on dogma that non-Soviet world is headed for revolution which will redound to Soviet advantage.
[In a communication to the Council of Foreign Ministers dated October 25, 1946, not printed, Hysni Kapo, Albanian Ambassador to Yugoslavia and Acting Chairman of the Albanian Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers, requested the Council to take under consideration the proposals of the Albanian Government regarding: (1) Reparations owed by Italy to Albania, (2) The gold reserve of the National Bank of Albania, (3) War Criminals, (4) The right of Albania to be considered as an Associated Power in the implementation of the Peace Treaty with Italy. This document was circulated to the Council of Foreign Ministers as CFM(46) (NY)11, November 13, 1946. In another communication also dated October 25, 1946, not printed, Ambassador Kapo requested the Council to give consideration to an Albanian request for the restitution of military equipment removed by Italy from Albania or for compensation for the same. This second document was circulated to the Council as CFM(46) (NY)12, November 13, 1946. In a communication dated November 11, 1946, circulated to the Council as CFM(46) (NY) 10, November 11, 1946, Ambassador Kapo requested that he be allowed to make a verbal statement of the Albanian Government’s views. None of these documents were taken up by the Council of Foreign Ministers nor was the Albanian representative invited to make any statement to the Council.]
[A 12-page document entitled “Observations of the Roumanian Government concerning the Draft Peace Treaty with Roumania, dated October 28, 1946, was transmitted to the Council of Foreign Ministers under cover of an undated note from Ambassador Franassovici, and was circulated to the Council as document CFM(46) (NY)8, November 11, 1946; the document has not been printed.]