740.00119 EW/10–1946
The French Premier and Minister for Foreign Affairs (Bidault) to the Secretary of State7
Excellency: I enclose a copy of the answer I have just written to the memorandum sent to us by our colleague Mr. Wang Shih-chieh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, concerning the procedure to be adopted in drafting the peace treaty with Germany.8
As you will see, I believe that, since the members of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs have been unable to reach unanimous agreement on this matter, the question can be settled only by a decision of the Council made in due course. Moreover, that is what I told our colleagues, Messrs. Bevin and Molotov.
Accept [etc.]
The original French language text of this communication and the enclosure thereto were transmitted to the Department of State as enclosures to despatch 6465, October 19, 1946, from Paris, not printed.
In a letter of November 5, 1946, acknowledging receipt of this communication from Foreign Minister Bidault, the Secretary of State stated the following:
“I agree with you that the question raised by Dr. Wang need not be decided at this time and I have therefore sent an interim reply to Dr. Wang, acknowledging his communication of September 3.” (740.00119 EW/10–1946)
The Secretary’s letter to Foreign Minister Wang of November 5, 1946, is printed on p. 1014.
↩ - For text of the Chinese memorandum, see p. 941.↩