740.0011 EW (Peace)/9–2546
The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Bevin) to the Secretary of State
Dear James: On 3rd September Dr. Wang Shih-Chieh wrote me a letter explaining the attitude of the Chinese Government towards the application of the Berlin and Moscow Agreements in relation to the conclusion of a Peace Settlement with Germany. I understand that a similar communication has been received by you.3
To my mind, Dr. Wang’s remarks seem to be entirely in conformity with the decisions taken at Potsdam, but I have not wished to reply to his letter before ascertaining whether my colleagues on the Council share my views. The attached draft letter4 has been prepared in the hope that it may suggest the basis of the reply which we should each address to Dr. Wang in this matter. I should be grateful if you would kindly let me know whether you are in agreement with the terms of this draft or whether you have any comments to make.
Yours sincerely,