C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2061: CFM Documents
Proposal by the United Kingdom Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers28
C.F.M.(46) 225
C.F.M.(46) 225
Paris, 11 July, 1946.
Alternative Draft Resolution on Coal
The C.F.M. agrees that the respective representatives of the four Occupying Powers on the Control Council in Germany shall be instructed to investigate and report to their Governments by the 10th August, 1946, at latest on the following points:
- (i)
- Steps which might be taken to increase the output of coal in Germany;
- (ii)
- General principles which should govern the allocation of German coal output as between coal for consumption in Germany and coal to be made available for export.
The C.F.M. agrees to discuss the Report referred to above at a future meeting./.
- The substance of this proposal was first presented by Foreign Secretary Bevin at the 40th Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, July 11, 1946, This paper was subsequently withdrawn by Bevin in the course of the 41st Meeting of the Council, July 12, 1946. For the United States Delegation Records of the meetings under reference, see pp. 880 and 907.↩