C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decisions

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Fortieth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, July 11, 1946, 4 p.m.

C.F.M.(46) 40th Meeting, July 11, 1946.


M. Molotov (Chairman)
M. Vyshinsky
M. Gousev
U.K. U.S.A25
Mr. Bevin Mr. Byrnes
Mr. Jebb Mr. Connally
Mr. Harvey Mr. Vandenberg
Mr. Duff Cooper Mr. Cohen
Mr. Hall-Patch Mr. Bohlen
M. Bidault
M. Couve de Murville
Gen. Catroux
M. Bonnet
M. de Saint Hardouin
M. Alphand

I Forthcoming Work of the Council

It was agreed that the Ministers would hold two meetings on July 12, the first being fixed for 12:00 noon, the next meeting of the Deputies to be held July 12 at 9:00 a.m.

II Germany

The Ministers continued their exchange of views on the German question.

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They decided to hold a special session of the Council of Foreign Ministers devoted to the German question after the close of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

  1. According to American records, Clay, Murphy, Pauley, and Matthews were also present on the American side at this meeting.