C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decisions

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Thirty-Eighth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, July 9, 1946, 5 p.m.

C.F.M.(46) 38th Meeting, July 9, 1946.


M. Bidault (Chairman)
M. Couve de Murville
Gen. Catroux
M. Alphand
U.S.A. U.K.
Mr. Byrnes Mr. Bevin
Mr. Connally Mr. Jebb
Mr. Vandenberg Mr. Harvey
Mr. Dunn Mr. Duff Cooper
Mr. Bohlen
M. Molotov
M. Vyshinsky
M. Dekanozov
M. Gousev

I. Report by the Deputies

The Council heard the Deputies’ Report submitted by the Chairman.

II. Peace Conference

1. Invitations

The Chairman announced that the invitations to the Peace Conference had been sent out the same morning by the French Government, in accordance with the text agreed upon at the Council meeting of the previous evening.

[Page 851]

2. Organization and Procedure of the Conference

The Council adopted the draft text on organization and procedure of the Peace Conference (CFM(46)204 revised).89

3. Letter From the Secretary-General of the United Nations

The Chairman read a letter from the Secretary-General of the United Nations regarding the date of the next session of the United Nations Assembly.

The Council decided to suggest to the Secretary-General that the opening date for this session should be Sept. 23.

III. Reparation From Italy

The Council adopted the final text of section a) of the Article on reparation from Italy (CFM(46)207).90 As for section b), the Ministers adopted a text reading as follows:

Reparation for other Powers

The claims put forward by other Powers, in particular France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, Ethiopia, will be considered at the Peace Conference together with the means whereby and the extent to which they shall be met.”

IV. Further Work of the Deputies

The various questions still outstanding in the draft Treaties with Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland were referred to the Deputies to report to the Council on Friday, July 12.

V. Committee on Trieste

The Committee to study questions concerning the free territory of Trieste was constituted as follows:

  • U.K. Delegation—Mr. Waldock
  • U.S. Delegation—Dr. Mosely
  • Soviet Delegation—Mr. Dekanosov

The representative of the French Delegation would be appointed later.

VI. Transmission of Draft Treaties to Ex-Enemy Countries

It was agreed to resume discussion of this question after the Council had heard the Deputies’ Report on Friday, July 12.

VII. German Questions

The Council had an exchange of views on these questions.

VIII. Next Meeting

Wednesday, July 10 at 4 p.m.

  1. Infra.
  2. Post p. 854.