Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to President Truman
I am attaching a letter from Lord Halifax brought to me by Mr. Makins1 of the British Embassy with a message from the Ambassador asking for a reply at your earliest convenience.
I recommend that you authorize us to tell the Ambassador that you welcome Mr. Morrison’s visit.
In conversation with Mr. Makins, I gather that the point of his visit relates to our pressure upon the British to release some additional amounts of their wheat stocks. This appears to be essential to meet the crisis which is developing for May and June. It is a difficult decision for the British Government because it raises hazards as to [Page 1441] their supplies in July, August and September, just at the time when they are making further cuts in consumption. I believe but do not know that Mr. Morrison is authorized to make some arrangement with us provided he can obtain assurances of our support during the summer months.
Secretary Anderson2 has been informed this afternoon of this proposed visit and agrees that Mr. Morrison should come.3